Miss me?
We are back from 9 glorious days at the beach (I'm tan!). We saw all of our immediate family, plus an aunt and some cousins. It was fabulous.
But now it's back to the daily grind. No more Lady of Leisure for me. I swear this last unemployment went by too fast. Stupid contract job sucked all the fun out of it.
Remind me who says it's important to be a productive member of society?
I started my new job yesterday. It was awesome. I think I could love it (too early to tell for sure yet). I got a lot of shiny new toys (hello, Blackberry!) and what girl doesn't like shiny and new?
Guess who wasn't too pleased to see Mommy grab her briefcase again?
congrats on the new job! is this another contract position or is it permanent? (nosy, I'm sorry!) What are you doing?
Good luck on the new job! Glad you had a great time on vacation. Welcome back.
So great that you got a vacation in before you started the new job!
Congrats and glad that you've had a great start!
Congratulations on your new job!
The puppy picture is too cute.
Dude. Guard dogs. Ruff.
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