Sunday, March 7, 2010

All Aboard the Fit Train

LAZY (adj) averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion

That would be me, when it comes to working out. Ugh. Hate.It.

It's amazing to me how I can be so highly motivated in every other area of my life, but just can't seem to get my self together when it comes to exercise. I having a treadmill in my basement, a loft area perfect for Tae-Bo and every mat, weight and exercise video a girl could want. And yet, I sit like a bump on a log, lamenting the fact that I am so freaking lazy.

It usually goes something like this: I lay in bed at night, fantasizing about how smoking hot I will look by our beach vacation in May. I vow to work out for at least an hour a day, starting tomorrow morning. I will do it first thing so that nothing can distract me. I can do this! I will do this! I fall asleep with visions of Victoria's Secret swimsuits dancing in my head.

Cut to the next morning. I jump out of bed, throw on my workout gear and head downstairs. I'll just check email really fast because maybe I got an email about a job overnight (yeah, right!). Now since I'm already online, I might as well see what everyone is up to on Twitter. Oh look, so-and-so linked to their blog post. I'll just read that and then go downstairs for a run. I wonder if so-and-so posted that link to her fabulously cute shoes? I'll just log into Google Reader and check really quick. Oh, crap! It's 9:30. If I don't go to Starbucks soon, I'll be past the time when it's appropriate to show up without makeup on. Better go now. Well, dang. I can't run for at least an hour after drinking a Venti. Think I'll sit down and read a book until my 'breakfast' settles. Well, would you look at that! It's time for lunch. Can't run on an empty stomach! I might pass out and there would be no one around to find me for hours. I'll straighten my hair and do my makeup while my lunch settles, run my errands and still have time left to run before Nate gets home. Dang. My hair looks awesome! How often do I have a great hair day like this? Can't ruin it by sweating it all flat! Okay. No run today. But tomorrow. For sure tomorrow!

And then I lay back down again a few hours later, berating myself for not working out, fantasizing about how smoking hot I will look by our beach vacation in May. I vow to work out for at least an hour a day, starting tomorrow morning. I will do it first thing so that nothing can distract me. I can do this! I will do this! I fall asleep with visions of Victoria's Secret swimsuits dancing in my head.

And the cycle begins again....

Surely I am not the only person who so completely and totally lacks in motivation? What do you do to keep yourself motivated to work out?


Anonymous said...

You are totally your mother! She does this every.stinkin.night. Sort of!

Sarah said...

Oh you wouldn't believe some of the excuses I tell myself. It's pretty sad.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I'm seriously glad to know that I'm not the only person who does this. I think you just described me and my days and how I am with working out. Maybe tomorrow will be the day that I work out.

When I did work out, it was the image of a smoking hot body that got me to keep going to the gym. Good luck!

yours truly, melissa said...

Oh this is all too familiar to me. I have no advice. When you figure out how to keep the motivation, please share.

April Hennessey said...

Okay, so I occasionally peak at your blog and find myself hilariously entertained! I used to be this person too. Right now, however, I'm training for a half-marathon and am up to 10 miles! Woohoo. My advice--find a group (either officially like a class you pay for, or others who want to be similarly motivated). You're a lot less likely to bail on the workout when you're accountable to others; I mean, this is true for so many other aspects of life, why not in the working out too?

Really, though, love the blog!

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